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00700: Possible installation and Activation Problems with PRO/5 2.0x under UNIX


Possible installation and Activation Problems with PRO/5 2.0x under UNIX


During the install process, one of the first questions asked is for the user to enter STANDARD, SQL, or EXIT. If you attempt to use SQL and have only purchased a STANDARD port, then a message “Invalid Activation Key…” is returned and the installation is stopped. 

Depending on whether the compact (non-SQL) or full featured (SQL enabled) executable is chosen a different binary file is linked to the pro5u for activation as pro5. The difference in file size is that SQL Enabled is almost twice as large as Non-SQL. 

The binary file for the Non-SQL executable is pro5ub 
The binary file for the SQL-enabled (full featured) executable is pro5us

Last Modified: 09/23/1998 Product: PRO/5 Operating System: UNIX

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