AddonSoftware ERP


AddonSoftware® is a customizable ERP business solution with the powerful and unique ability to preserve customizations through the update cycle. Our go-to-market strategy provides our partners with a core set of accounting, distribution, and manufacturing building blocks, our developer partners then tailor the solution to meet the exacting business requirements of their customers. 


Introducing … AddonSoftware, a customizable ERP business solution with the powerful and unique ability to preserve customizations through the update cycle. Read more about our unique technology, and how you can build a business to take you far into the future. 

Introducing AddonSoftware

The Technology

Build a Business

Your ERP Solution

AddonSoftware ERP building blocks are the perfect foundation for your vertical business solution. We’ve done the heavy work to make your development process easier! Take a closer look at the core bundles, Accounting, Distribution, and Manufacturing, ready and waiting for your customization.


