

2018 Proven Performance And… it's built with BBj technology
Old Tech, New Life: A Cost-Effective Approach
2014 A DAM-EDV Picture is Worth 1,000 Woods
CarIT Integrates a 'New Model' With BBj
A New Day for AddonSoftware Partnerships
On-Demand Enlightenment at the BASIS E-Learning Center
2013 Bisco Gets More Bang for Their BBx Buck
A Unique Business Opportunity
How Business Apps Go Mobile
Prodin Blends BASIS With Chocolate for Sweet Success
Efficiently SEPArating Your Customers From Their Money
2012 ASCI Partakes RADically from the Barista Cup
EMQUE On Cue With BUI Apps That are 'In'
A Web Service Sprouts Great Benefits at Bluegrass
EMS Prescribes BUI to Reduce Healthcare Expenses
2011 Rechanneling the Revenue Stream at Mark Systems
AddonSoftware Steps Into the Cloud
BASIS and paperPlace Have it in the (Paper) Bag
A Tab(let) a Day… Makes the Doctor's Day
2010 The Dawning of a New Age with BUI Apps
TAI Scores a Whole in One With XCALL
BUI to the Rescue
2009 Mining with the Diamond Work Group
2008 Starwood's Web Service Shines Brighter
2007 RCG Uses Marketing Skills to Achieve OSAS "Top Dog" Status
Marex Returns Home to BASIS - A Personal Journey
2006 BASIS Tours Europe With New Partnership Program
Rooted in Platform-Independence, BBj Supports Borealis Press's Choice of Mac
2005 OSI Solidifies OSAS Investment with BBj
QA Memos Web Service
BBx Generations - Our Progression in Time
Enhancing the Bouquet with BBj - KMK Software AG
MARK SYSTEMS - A Revenue Stream Runs Through It
Weaving a Training Web
2004 BBj Sparks High Productivity at Heilind Electronics
Fit For the Future? - Midata Service GmbH
2003 b'Using b-commerce
BASIS Introduces Online Tutorials
Maharam: BASIS Customer Profile
Technical Resources on the BASIS Web Site
SAM Plan - Managing Your Software Assets
BASIS Revises Training
Making Money With BASIS Technology
ParkMaster Gets Ahead with PRO/5
PRO/5 Drives Trucking Company's In-House Conversion
2002 PRO/5 Turns Over New Leaf
Visual PRO/5 Paves The Way For New Orleans Visitors Bureau
IS Systems Selects BBx For Its B2C E-Commerce Package
NEWS: BASIS Participates In Q1 Sun Solutions CD
NEWS: New Search Tool Improves Information Lookup
The Making of a Programmer
Heilind Electronics Bets on BBj and Its Thin Client Capability
Virtually All Businesses Will Have Virtual Employees
2001 BBj Sparks GUI Hotel Solutions
NEWS: BASIS Takes Discussion Forums To Web
Emque Nails GUI with BASIS Tools
Mission Accomplished: Mark Systems' GUI Migration
2000 Audev Races Toward GUI Finish Line
Login Brothers Bookmarks Its Place in B2B and B2C E-Commerce
The Lessons of BASIS b-commerce
Introducing BASIS Solution Partners
BASIS Develops New Training
BASIS: Your Portal to E-Business
Mark Systems Constructs An E-Business Future
The Annis Group Builds E-Business on BASIS
Partners In GUI (Accu-Med Services)
Customers Inform BASIS
Most Flexible Developer Kits on the Market
SCS Partnership Accelerates GUI Migration
Software Asset Management - A Plan for the Long Term
Supporting BASIS Resellers
Tech Resource Zone: Tech Support 2000


2023 What Makes a Web Client Dynamic, Anyway?
Migrating BBjspServlets to BBxServlets
Hot Off the Grid-dle!
2020 Getting on the Right (Class)Path
Loading with Class
2016 PRO/5 Automatically Gets 15 years of DBMS Enhancements
2014 Bleeding Heart Computer Security
The Anatomy of BBj
Add New Grid Selections to Your Toolbox
Wash up With SOAP Web Services
2013 Default CSS Gets a Makeover
A Bountiful Selection of New CSS Selectors
BUI to the Max – Amp Up and Fine-Tune
BBj’s CUI Gets a Big Performance Boost
Automate BUI Deployment With the API
Mix 'n Match Data Structures Between BBj and Java
BBjServlets Serving Web Content
2012 The Anatomy of a Web App Makeover: A Case Study
Going Fast, Faster, Fastest
Compressing Apps for Zippy Network Performance
Looks Better, Runs Faster
2011 Parlez-BUI Franҫais?
The Beauty of Charts and Graphics in BUI
Let's See Your John Hancock
New Browse Method Eases File Open Process
Adding Style to BBx Web Apps With Custom CSS
Easy Integration to Google Apps
Chef's Choice - the BUI Menu App
Let BUI Put Your App in Touch With Your Users
Take Control - Manage Your Enterprise
Need Cookies? Get User Properties Cookies
BUI CGI - Gateway to the Internet
PDF Security in Your Hands
2010 If it's Easier in BBj, Then Just XCALL it Forward
BBjGeolocation is Here!
BBj PDFs - Perfectly Displayed Formats
Enterprise Manager Functionality Free at Last
2009 MDI Modes: Make Mine a Single, With a Twist
Jetty Offers Legacy Programs via Web Services
From Legacy to Enterprise with BBj Web Services
Object-oriented Performance
A Sneak Peek at BBj's Browser User Interface
The BASIS Java Hat Trick
Calling Custom Java from BBj
2008 Dishing up Forms
T Minus - BASIS LaunchDock Blasts Off
Blowing the Doors Wide Open With ClientsObjects
Quick and Easy Solutions With Java Libraries - Part 1
Quick and Easy Solutions With Java Libraries - Part 2
BASIS Adds Mapping Functionality to BBjRecordSets
More on Client File Access
Inner Types Exposed
Socket to Me
Deliver a Package Tracking System
Real-time Web Reports
2007 A Tour of the BBjCharts API
BBj Spell Checker is all the Buzz
Catching the XML Wave
Desktop Data Delivered
If You Have Choices, We Have Choosers
Leap from 'Cut and Paste' to 'Drag and Drop'
Spin, Slide, or View Your Data
Voyaging Deeper Into the BBjCharts API
2006 A Primer for Using BBj Custom Objects
Applying Custom Objects to Existing Code
Confessions of a Language Polygamist
Tech Resource Zone: The FAQs About 64-Bit BASIS Products
The Look and Feel Journey - from Skins to Themes
The Scoop on 64-Bit Computing
Type Checking With "bbjcpl"
Visual PRO/5 6.0 Gives Apps an XP or Vista Contemporary Look and Feel
2005 Grid to Order
Safe and Retrievable Intellectual Property
Connection Pooling - Part 1
Connection Pooling - Part 2
Input Validation: Veto Power
Super-Charged SYSGUI
2004 Getting More of the Good Stuff
The Secrets of Secure Communication
Why Use the BBjRecordSet?
2003 BBj Databound Controls
BBj Form Printing
GUI Date Input With the BBj INPUTD Control
Using the BBjRecordSet
New Language Features Give Programmers More Choices
Writing a Web Service in BBj
BBj 3.0 - Major Release - Major Functionality
BBj and Web Services
2002 Features and Enhancements in BBj 2.02
Practical Ports And Serviceable Sockets
BBj JDBC/ODBC for the Web
Running BBj Code From Within Java; The JavaBBjBridge
The Need for Three-Tier Architecture
Visual PRO/5 4.0 - Optimizations and Improvements
BBj 2.0: More Than One Way to Skin an App
Performance Enhancements in BBj 2.0
2001 A Technology Preview of BBj 2.0
TRZ: Sockets Amplified
With Sockets, DISC Bridges Internet For Distributors
NEWS: BASIS Enhances GML Tools
BBj Components
Four Ways to Web-Enable Your Application
From BBx to BBj
The GUI Enhancements of BBj
2000 The BBj Editions
GUI In Minutes
Wired for Web Right Now
Putting Your Data on the Web

Database Management

2023 Unleashing the Power of SQL EXPLAIN
2020 SQL "Trick" - Control the Optimization Strategy
2016 Lightning Fast Google-like Searches of Your BBx Data Without Adding Keys
2014 Asynchronous Triggers Modify the Copy
Replication Redux
2013 BBj DBMS Now Leaves PRO/5 Data Server in its Dust!
Sophisticated Regex Replication Enhancements
Revealing the Enhanced Data Dictionary
2012 Turn On Data Auditing
Quick Fix for Slow SQL
Built-in SQL Access to BASIS Keyed and CSV Files
BASIS SQL Gets Even Better
2011 Anatomy of a Replication Job
DB Security That You’ve Always Dreamed About
More Miles per SQL Gallon
BASIS Extends Trigger Functionality With KEY Triggers
2010 Database Update Wizard
Automatic Database Analysis
2009 Database Query Analysis
Online Copy Jobs
BASIS Generates SPROC Template Code
Debugging SPROCs and Triggers
2008 Databound Grid - Data Abstraction Extended
Take the Plunge Into SQL-Transactions
All Aboard the REGEXP
Solving the Data Warehousing Dilemma - Part II
2007 Solving the Data Warehousing Dilemma - Part I
Unleashing the Power of SPROCcs Without SQL
2006 Inside BASIS: Putting Triggers to Work
Using Triggers to Maintain Database Integrity
Using Stored Procedures to Add Business Logic to the Database
ESQL Files: Constraining Your Data to Guarantee Integrity
2005 PDF Now Also Means Perfectly Displayed Forms - a Sweet New Suite
VKEYED Files - New Features for a New File Type
The BASIS DBMS - New 5.0 Features
2004 Secure Your Future, Encrypt Your Data
The Great Connection - Legacy Apps to BASIS DBMS
2003 BASIS International Offers a Choice of Databases
Capitalizing on BASIS's Open Architecture
2002 Implementing Journaled Files and Transaction Tracking in BBj 2.0
Route Data to Oracle & More with Plug-Ins
What's Brewing With Java: JRE 1.4
2001 Next Generation File Format: XKEYED Files
What's Brewing With Java: JDBC
2000 BBj Data Server Delivers Database Analysis
The First of BBj Is Here (BBj Data Server)
Everybody's Worst Nightmare &mdash File Corruption
Large File Performance
Large Files for Windows Environment
BASIS Helps Citicorp Protect Its Data
Summit Electric and Smart Data Management

Development Tools

2019 Turn Out More Work Better and Faster, Transitioning from NetBeans to the BDT IDE
Perspectives and Projects and Views, Oh My! A Survival Guide for New Eclipse Users
2017 Developing PRO/5 Code in Eclipse
2016 So Many Tasks, So Little Time…
Compiling PRO/5 Code Using Eclipse and BDT - A Tutorial
2014 Have it Your Way With New BDT Preferences and Properties
BDT Tips for Less Pain and More Gain
Test for Success With BBj Unit Test
Building WindowBuilder
2013 Eclipse: The Toolset of the Future
2012 The Magical Reusable Dialog Wizard
REST Easy - End Your WSDL Struggles
Babbling With the New Bundle of Joy
Git’dy Up, Developers
Customizable Mobile Report Viewer
BASIS IDE is in Java 7th Heaven
Easily Install Your Apps With the BASIS Custom Installer
BBj Documentation is as Easy as JavaDocs
2011 New Barista Features Satiate Appetites
Copy With Ease, Paste With Confidence: The New SysConsole Paradigm
New BBJasper Output Types Including The Cloud!
2010 BBj IDE in the Beginning - Then and Now
2009 Barista Uses Your RDBMS of Choice
2008 From the BASIS DD to a Barista App in a Flash
From the BASIS DD to a Barista App in a Flash in Five Easy Steps
Goodbye Event Loop, Hello Process Events
2007 Watch the Form Gen Wizard Trans "form" Data
2006 AppBuilder: The BASIS IDE Gets RAD GUI Development Integration
Freedom of Choice: Using Object Code Completion in the IDE
2005 Tuning the Performance Analyzer
The State of the IDE
FormBuilder: BASIS IDE's Better Cross-Platform Resource Builder
TRZ: Logs, Logs, and More Logs
2004 Inside BASIS: Software Product Version Control
2003 Managing Databases/Data Dictionaries with the BASIS IDE
Viewing Data Files in the BASIS IDE
Speeding Up the Development Process - The BASIS IDE
2002 Using the NetBeans BBj IDE to Develop and Debug Tutorial - Part II
Tuning Your Code With the Performance Analyzer
Putting The BBj 2.0 Online Documentation to Work For You
Using The Netbeans-Based BBjIDE to Develop/Debug Tutorial - Part I
Built on NetBeans, BBjIDE Offers Exciting New Functionality
OpenBASIC Mkeyed Conversion Help

System Administration

2023 Desktop Apps: A Zero Deployment Strategy
2019 Metrics: Tell Me About It
2014 The Enterprise Manager Boldly Goes Forward
Zero Deployment With JNLP
Don't Put All of Your Jetty Eggs in One Context
Putting Your Software Through its Paces
TRZ: BBj Logs Revisited
New and Improved Locking Detection
2013 Enterprise Administration To-Go
2012 BUI, GUI Everywhere
Platform-Independent Task Scheduler
Are You Prepared for Cloud Failure?
2011 Ready, Set, Go - Switch to IPv6
Custom Apps Install - Easy as 1- 2- 3!
Perfection in the Cloud
Centralizing App Security Using Admin User Credentials
A Home (Page) in Every Port
2010 Our Salvation is in the Cloud
Battle of the Browsers - BUI Wins
Introducing the BASIS Custom Installer
BBj's Web Integration is Better Than Ever
Virtual Licensing Key to Apps in the Cloud
LDAP/Active Directory Authentication in BBj
2009 Jetty Offers Legacy Programs via Web Services
Jetty Web Server for BBj, Java Style
2008 The Extreme Enterprise Manager Makeover
2007 TRZ: Jars, Jars, and More Jars
2006 Solving the Locked Record 'Whodunit'
2005 Choices, Choices, Choices
The Response File Responds Silently
Safe and Retrievable Intellectual Property
TRZ: Lock, Lock, Who's Got the Lock?
New Install Puts You in the Driver's Seat
Taking Out The Garbage
2004 Give Your Software a New Lease on Life
TRZ: Licenses and BLMs
Without a Trace: the Silent Installation
2003 Enterprise Manager - Administration Made Easier
What's Brewing With Java? JVM 1.4.2 Improves
Web Deployment Options With BASIS
2002 Going Mobile With Microsoft Terminal Services
TRZ: Printing in BBj
What's Brewing With Java
BBj Memory and Process Management
BBj Thin Client Performance Tuning
Microsoft Terminal Services and Visual PRO/5
2001 What's Brewing With Java: JRE 1.4
TRZ: Sockets Amplified
BBj: One License, One Install
FLEXlm Application Licensing
Managing Your Enterprise
TRZ: Client/Server Computing: PRO/5 and BBj
2000 TRZ: Installing & Configuring BBj
What's Brewing With Java: JRE 1.3
TRZ: TCP/IP Hostname Resolution and the BLM
What's Brewing With Java: The Java 2 Platform
From Complex to Simple (Sun Microsystems)
The BBj Beta Program
What's Brewing With Java: Java 2 Enterprise Edition

Building Blocks

2023 Growing with AddonSoftware®
2022 Introducing the BBjCalendarWidget Plug-In
2020 AddonSoftware Amps Up Productivity
2019 Getting Started with the Dashboard Utility
Using Third-Party Libraries with Eclipse and the BDT
2017 Getting Started with BBJSP
Contexts and BBJSP
BBJSP Command Framework
2016 Maximizing the Power of the Digital Dashboard
2014 Dash Boredom With the Dashboard Utility
Ready, Set, Drill!
The Magic of the Widget Wizard
Easier Decision Making With the Dashboard Utility
AddonSoftware's Digital Dashboard Takes Off
Makeover Your Images With BBXImage
You Captured My Screen
Painless Payables - Anywhere!
2013 Barista Creations – Add Your App, Stir, and Enjoy
We’ve Got Mail, so You’ve Got Mail!
Improve and Beautify Barista Apps With CSS
Customizing Fonts in Barista
BBjToJavadoc Documents Your Masterpiece
Double Your Pleasure With Eclipse Documentation
2012 AddonSoftware: Ready, Set, Go Deploy!
Barista Caffeinates a CUI App With GUI Sprinkles
DocOut Easily Modernizes BBx Reports
New Ways to Debug in Barista
2011 ERP Software in a Browser: BUI Takes Flight
2010 Plumbing the Barista Framework Into BBj Forms
Preserving Your Customizations
AddonSoftware's Barista Building Blocks Strategy
Party Time - LaunchDock Goes Pure Java
2009 A Friendlier 'AddonSoftware by Barista'
Recipes for Successful Report Writing
Jump on the BUS - BASIS Update Service
Jazz up Your Applications- Seamlessly Embed JasperReports
Can Your App Speak to Your Customer?
2008 Freshly Brewed - Barista Caffeinates Addon Accounting Applications!
BBj Thrives on the Web
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