License Edition Feature Types

BASIS Licenses

The BASIS product license supports the entire BASIS technology suite – BBj®, PRO/5®, and Visual PRO/5®.

Extended Edition License Feature

The Extended Edition license feature is the default license feature provided with every new or add user purchase. It supports all BASIS product components and all deployment methodologies such as distributed computing to run BASIS technology on more than one machine:

Connection-based – one user per connection per:

  • PRO/5 interpreter with the BASIS DBMS
  • BBj interpreter via terminal emulator with the BASIS DBMS
  • BBj interpreter to a different server with the BASIS DBMS (uncommon)
  • JDBC, ODBC, JLib, or CLib


   GUI – all instances of the following collapse into one user per:

  • Visual PRO/5 interpreter with the BASIS DBMS
  • BBj Thin Client interpreter
  • BBj and Visual PRO/5 interpreters on the same PC will consume two users regardless of the number of instances
   BUI (browser-user-interface) – all instances collapse into one user per browser type/brand per PC:
  • The first browser consumes one user (e.g. 1 or more instances of Chrome on the same PC)
  • Each subsequent browser such as IE or Firefox or Safari or Opera, etc. consumes an additional user, for any number of instances in that browser, on the same PC

Standard Edition License Feature

The BASIS product license offers a secondary feature that can co-exist with the Extended Edition feature in a single BASIS product license. The Standard Edition license feature allows software vendors to limit the functionality of Standard Edition feature users to a subset of the BASIS Product Suite, most commonly those that don’t require a User Interface (UI). For example, the Standard Edition license feature can be used for ODBC/JDBC connections to a database without the functionality and expense of a software vendor’s fully-featured application user license. This might be appropriate when using third-party tools such as Crystal Reports or JasperReports which do not require the full functionality of a software vendor’s application. BASIS prices the Standard Edition feature users identically to Extended Edition feature users.

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