Product Overview

BASIS Products

BASIS International Ltd. is the developer and supplier of an industry-leading interpreted programming language based on Business BASIC. In 1985, BASIS released their first generation of Business BASIC to extend the functionality of Business BASIC and aptly named it BBx® (Business BASIC eXtended). Successive generations of BASIS technology continue to enhance the Business BASIC language. A fifth-generation product delivers BASIS’ first GUI deployment, followed by the sixth generation that introduces modern graphical application development tools for Business BASIC. Coupling these tools with a powerful database management system enable developers to create comprehensive and tightly integrated business applications that are reliable, scalable, cost-effective, and platform independent.

BBx® Generations

BASIS structures five components of their technology into the BBx® Generations.


Current BBx offerings are the mature character-based language, PRO/5®; the efficient Windows extension, Visual PRO/5®; and the latest BBx generation, BBj®, the Java-based object-oriented extension of Business BASIC.

Database Management System

The BASIS DBMS provides robust and powerful functionality allowing developers the flexibility to combine powerful SQL statements and relational data access methods with the performance and control of navigational operations such as direct table and index access and direct table movement.

Development Tools

The Eclipse IDE is a framework that supports plug-ins and configurability options that can streamline almost any software development cycle. BASIS offers the Business BASIC Development Tools (BDT) collection of plug-ins for the Eclipse IDE.

System Administration

Combining the flexibility of this configurable installation process, with flexible license management and a broad variety of deployment choices, BASIS delivers the progressive and state-of-the-art tools that today's developers require.

Application Building Blocks

BASIS created the newest version of BBx® using Java technology. Business BASIC on Java, named BBj®, gives application developers the necessary tools to create modern, 21st-century e-commerce and enterprise solutions.

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