Around the world ...

Around the world, BASIS International Ltd. has provided over 7,000 application software developers the tools to create leading business applications that are reliable, scalable and cost-effective. BASIS products form the foundation of thousands of mission-critical systems in industries as varied as banking to manufacturing to health care.

BBx® Generations

For over twenty-five years, the Business BASIS world has considered BASIS International the industry leader. Today, BBx® finds its way into the new millennium with its latest Java-based generation, BBj®. Have a look at how far BBx has come at the BBx BUI Showcase.

BUI - Browser User Interface

Evolving from this rich history of platform-independent programming language and database and development tools, BASIS has re-engineered its toolset for the cloud computing world. Their browser user interface (BUI) technology dramatically improves the process of developing and deploying business applications for the Internet. BBj applications run in any modern browser, including smartphones and other mobile devices.

Read about what one BASIS partner is already doing with this groundbreaking technology in The Dawning of a New Age With BUI Apps at EMQUE. Try out the power and flexibility of BUI by running the demo available in the BBx BUI Showcase. For a closer look at BUI, review the BASIS International Advantage article A Sneak Peek at BBj’s Browser User Interface.

Barista® Application Framework

Barista®, a powerful framework, allows developers to build a GUI application quickly by simply defining the data and its interrelationships. For more information, read Barista Uses Your RDBMS of Choice.

AddonSoftware by Barista

‘AddonSoftware® by Barista’ is a synergistic blend of a proven, long-standing ERP solution and a modern looking and exceptionally performing rewrite. AddonSoftware continues to offer a breadth of out-of-the-box features that are easily customizable to suit all your precise needs while preserving all your customizations through the upgrade or update cycle. Read more about AddonSoftware’s Barista Building Blocks Strategy and visit

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