
Sales Overview
Combining our technology with the strengths of a wide range of industry partners, BASIS offers the Business BASIC community numerous choices for developing a comprehensive application solution. BASIS uses a sophisticated licensing model that also allows for the protection of the developer’s intellectual property.
Our b-commerce site allows registered users to purchase BASIS products.
BASIS has a global network of distribution partners who sell and support our products.
Our International Distributors and International Resellers lists provide information on how to purchase BASIS products from around the globe.
Our strategic alliances with key development partners ensure that BASIS remains on top of the latest in application development trends.
Types of Licenses
Contact your BASIS sales channel for pricing and availability.
The BASIS product license supports the entire BASIS technology suite - BBj®, PRO/5®, and Visual PRO/5®.
An Extended Edition license, annually renewable, used to create BBj, Barista, Visual PRO/5, and PRO/5 in-house or commercial applications requiring a normal BASIS product license.
A duplicate license for backup servers whose type and user count match the production license.
New License Purchase Options
Perpetual Licenses
Perpetual licenses are purchased for a single host ID and are registered via the “Register and install a license automatically” option from the License Registration and Delivery Methods installation screen. Pricing for perpetual licenses includes the first year’s Software Asset Management (SAM) Plan.
SaaS (Annual Subscription)
The annual subscription license supports the growing trend of software rental while significantly reducing acquisition costs. This Extended Edition license is renewed annually and includes the SAM Plan which facilitates the fulfillment of upgrades at any time to take advantage of new features and function; operating system, hardware, and security updates.
Revenue Sharing
There may be use cases for a revenue sharing model. One example is for web applications where there might be an unknown volume of users or a widely fluctuating volume of users that are charged for the application usage on a transaction level. You may have another interesting use case for which the normal license pricing is an obstacle but which will deliver good revenues. We are always open to win-win business discussions.