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00240: Call to undefined dynalink error when invoking a Windows product


Call to undefined dynalink error when invoking a Windows product


This is a Windows error, and will prevent the application from running. It’s due to having an older DLL that is being referenced in the place of a newer, correct DLL. As an example, an application will make a call to a DLL. However, the correct version of the DLL doesn’t exist on the machine, or perhaps an older version of the DLL is already loaded into memory. In that case, it’s possible for this error to occur as the older version may not support the newer functions offered by the correct version of the DLL. 


Check the versions of DLL’s on computer. This may or may not be associated with one of the DLL’s that is shipped with BBx . 

For example, if this is a TCP/IP Client, the DLL could be WINSOCK.DLL. If it’s BBx for Novell, it may be one of the DLL and DRV files from the Netware Client Kit. 

Last Modified: 03/31/1998 Product: Visual PRO/5 Operating System: Windows

BASIS structures five components of their technology into the BBx Generations.

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