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00929: How to resolve a FLEXlm error -1 with BBj products


How to resolve a FLEXlm error -1 with BBj products


This is indicative of BBj not being able to find a valid license file via the BBj Services.


To resolve this issue on a UNIX platform, first check to see if BBj Services is running, then you need to stop BBj Services. You can Stop BBJ Services through the Admin Wizard. The ./admin Wizard is located in the bbj/bin directory. Next, from the  BLMAdmin or Admin Wizard (./admin) choose the option “Select a BLM” and enter the hostname of the machine running the BLM. Then set up the hosts files or DNS so that the machine running BBj Services can find (by name) the server where the BLM is running. Then restart BBjServices. 

If BBj Services is running under Windows stop the BLM and BBjServices in Control Panel. Then go to START | PROGRAMS | BBJ PRODUCTS | ADMIN | choose “Select a BLM Wizard” and enter the hostname of the server running the BLM. If it is the local machine, you can try using ‘localhost’ for the servername running the BLM. Then restart the BLM and BBjServices 

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