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00132: BBx compatibility with a non-Microsoft multi-user operating system


BBx compatibility with a non-Microsoft multi-user operating system


We do not test BBx under other non-Microsoft DOS/Network operating systems. However, if the NOS is NETBIOS compatible, i.e., supports INT 21 file locking, and the workstations manage their own memory, chances are very good that it will work. 

Some common workarounds to NOS idiosyncrasies are: 

1) Make sure that all machines running BBx are doing so from the same drive. This drive should be mapped as F: or higher. 

2) If the NOS provides its own version of DOS’ SHARE.EXE, you’ll usually get better results using that one. 

Last Modified: 12/29/1997 Product: PRO/5 Rev 1.x  Operating System: MS Dos


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