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00966: How to use the same Basis License Manager for BBj and Pro5


How to use the same BASIS License Manager for BBj and PRO/5.


UPDATE: As of Rev 4 BBj, PRO/5, PRI/5 Data Server, and BBj ODBC/JDBC use the BBj license feature.  There is no longer a need for additional licenses or license features.

You may use the same BASIS License Manager (BLM) to service both your PRO/5 and BBj licenses. We recommend running the BLM that ships with BBj if you running older PRO/5 products. The one that ships with be BBj is a later version. 

Note: Basis license files will end in .lic extension and use the following criteria for the file name: 

PRO/5 products that are Revisions < 4.0: 
        #users         feature                  serial number 
        25         PRO5_DEV         PRO512345         25PRO5_DEVPRO512345.lic 
        25         PRO5DS             PRO512346         25PRO5DSPRO512346.lic 
        25         ODBC_RW          BOD111222          25ODBC_RWBOD111222.lic 

BBj products and PRO/5 products Revision 4.0+ : 
        #users         serial number         feature 
        25                BBJ001111             EWF         25BBJJ001111EWF.lic 

Using the BBj BLM to service your PRO/5, Data Server and multi-user ODBC licenses under Unix: 

Prior to installing BBj, use the PRO/5 install script to stop the currently running BLM. It is suggested that all users are off the system but not required. Install BBj and follow the BBj registration and installation process to register . Also select the option to modify your startup scripts to automatically start both BBjServices and the BLM. It is very important to run “The Select a BASIS License Manager”. This step is necessary to brand the BBj product. Once this done, copy your existing license files for your other BASIS product into the BBj blm directory. PRO/5 license files are typically located in /basis/blmgr directory. Copy these files to bbj/blm directory. Run the ./admin utility from the bbj/bin directory and choose the option start the BLM. Confirm that both the PRO/5 and BBj licenses have been loaded by checking the BLM log file. This file is typically located /bbj/blm/log/ directory. 

Using an existing PRO/5 BLM under Unix: 

Under Unix BBj products will typically install the BLM files in /bbj /blm directory off the BBj product install directory. During the installation process elect not to have it modify your startup scripts. Follow the BBj registration and installation process to register and create the correct format for the BBj license. It is very important to run “The Select a BASIS License Manager”. This step is necessary to brand the BBj product. Once these steps are done, copy the BBj license file to existing PRO/5 BLM directory. Use the PRO/5 install script to stop and start the BLM. Confirm that both the Pro5 and BBj licenses have been loaded by checking the BLM log file. This file is typically located /basis/blmgr/log/ directory. 

Using BBj BLM to service PRO/5 and BBj licenses under Windows: 

It is our recommendation under Windows to use the BBj BLM. Copy your current license files to another directory. In Control Panel, stop the BLM service. In Control Panel, use the ADD/REMOVE program to remove the existing BLM. Reboot the computer, this is necessary to correctly clear the registry. Install BBj and follow the prompts including Registering and Installing your BBj license. Use the ADMIN utility from the BBj program group to Select a BASIS License Manager, this step is critical to branding the product correctly. 

The BBj install by default will install the BLM. Under Windows you may choose not to do this by doing a custom install and not selecting the BASIS License Manager on clients that are only running Thin Client or ODBC/JDBC.

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