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00975: BBj seems to be taking two licenses per system. BBj FLEXLM License error: -4: Maximum number of users reached.


BBj seems to be taking two licenses per system. BBj FLEXLM License error: -4: Maximum number of users reached.


I have a 1 user DVK license. Does that mean I can only one instance of any given program running on my machine at once? 
Case in point: I have sysconsole open, and I execute 
        any “jdbc:basis:” statement. I get: 
!ERROR=77 ( Invalid connection URL, specified driver not loaded, or data source not found. 

BBjServices.err reports: 
com.basis.filesystem.FilesystemException: License error: -4: Maximum number of users reached. 
at com.basis.server.local.n.<init>(n.java) 
at com.basis.server.local.j.getLocalConnection(j.java) 
at com.basis.filesystem.remote.c.getLocalConnection(c.java) 
at com.basis.filesystem.ConnectionMgr.initLocalConnection(ConnectionMgr.java) 
at com.basis.server.sqlengine.b.run(b.java) 
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:536) 
**** Connecting to database: CD-Store 
**** Connecting to database: CD-Store 
com.basis.bbj.client.util.BBjException: Invalid connection URL, specified driver not loaded, or data source not found. 
at com.basis.bbj.channel.SQLChannel.<init>(SQLChannel.java) 
at com.basis.bbj.processor.g.c(g.java) 
at com.basis.bbj.processor.bh.a(bh.java) 
at com.basis.bbj.processor.k.a(k.java) 
at com.basis.bbj.processor.j.A(j.java) 
at com.basis.bbj.processor.j.y(j.java) 
at com.basis.bbj.processor.j.run(j.java) 
at com.basis.util.BasisThread.run(BasisThread.java) 


ODBC connections are licensed “per connection” and interpreter sessions are licensed “per user.” Therefore, you can run an unlimited number of BBj sessions on a desktop machine with only a single license, but require an additional license for each ODBC connection. Keep in mind to that on Windows if you do not pass a -u<userid> on the bbj.exe shortcut, your system log in is used as the userid. And then if you are also using an ODBC connection with a different userid bein passed from BBJ ODBC to BBjServices, then yes this will take two licenses. One for BBJ interpreter and one for the BBj ODBC connection. As one of the things FLEXLm checks for when it decides whether to take another license or not, is the USERID 

See the links and excerpts from the documentation below. 

BBj Data Server Licensing: 
Licensing of the BBj Data Server and accompanying ODBC and JDBC drivers occurs in only one place: the BBj Data Server. This means that it is not necessary to obtain a license for each installed ODBC or JDBC driver using the new BBj architecture. This is possible because of the fact that the BBj Data Server is licensed on a per-connection basis. This means that each ODBC or JDBC connection will use one BBj Data Server connection license. For example, if a company has 20 employees who need access to the data residing on a BBj Data Server, they may want to purchase a 20-user BBj DataServer license. However, if only 15 of these employees will be using the system at one time, then the company would only require a 15-user license. 

For the administrator this means that there is no need to manage any licensing whatsoever for the ODBC or JDBC drivers that access the BBj Data Server. 


BBj AppServer Licensing Description: 
There are two kinds of BBj licenses. A Standard license only accepts connections from the local host. An Enterprise license accepts network connections from any host.

Last Modified: 02/24/2004 Product: BBj Operating System: All platforms

BASIS structures five components of their technology into the BBx Generations.

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