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00923: Reasons for a FLEXlm error -16


Reasons for a FLEXlm error -16 – old unsupported version of Flexlm.


The blmgr logfile will have entries similar to: 

15:55:24 (lmgrd) Starting vendor daemons … 
15:55:24 (basis) FLEXlm version 6.1b 
15:55:24 (basis) Server started on uogasys for:         ODBC_RW         PRO5DS                   
15:55:24 (basis) Wrong hostid on SERVER line for license file: 
15:55:24 (basis)         /usr/pro5ds22/blmgr/2ODBC_RWBOD155555.lic 
15:55:24 (basis) SERVER line says ID_STRING=2DF025486, hostid is 000000000000 
15:55:24 (basis) Invalid hostid on SERVER line 
15:55:24 (basis) Disabling 2 licenses from feature ODBC_RW(2DB326623EB6) 
15:55:24 (basis) Wrong hostid on SERVER line for license file: 
15:55:24 (basis)         /usr/pro5ds22/blmgr/5PRO5DSPRO555555.lic 
15:55:24 (basis) SERVER line says ID_STRING=2DF025486, hostid is 000000000000 
15:55:24 (basis) Invalid hostid on SERVER line 
15:55:24 (basis) Disabling 5 licenses from feature PRO5DS(AFB0D736F125) 
15:55:24 (lmgrd) Started basis (internet tcp_port 4158 pid 24394) 
15:55:34 (basis) Vendor daemon can’t talk to lmgrd (Cannot read data from license server (-16,287)) 
15:55:34 (lmgrd) Vendor daemon died with status 40 


The FLEXlm version is not 6.1f or higher and has a problem where it only sees the hostid as zeros when trying to start the vendor daemon. 

A few lines prior to the above there will be a line: 
        15:55:24 (lmgrd) FLEXlm (v6.1) started on yugosys () (3/5/2001) 

The only fix is to ensure that the FLEXlm version is 6.1f or higher. This is available for download from the BASIS Ftp site at ftp://ftp.basis.com

Last Modified: 1/09/2025 Product: License Manager Operating System: N/A Error Number: -16

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