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01114: Cannot create 64-bit file on AIX enhanced journalled filesytem (64-bit)


Cannot create 64-bit file on AIX enhanced journalled filesytem (64-bit)


UPDATE:  All current versions of PRO/5 and BBj can properly create 64-bit files on AIX operating systems.
Newer revisions of AIX have an Enhanced Journalled File System that is inherently 64-bit. PRO/5 cannot create a 64-bit file on this filesystem programmatically even with the correct SETOPTS bit (byte 7, bit $80$) set. 


Create a standard MKEYED file and run the MREBUILD utility to convert the file to a 64-bit or 64-bit highly recoverable filetype.

Last Modified: 09/27/2006 Product: PRO/5 Operating System: AIX

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