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00006: fs load err=30 – Unable to open channel 0


fs load err=30 – Unable to open channel 0


This error can occur with both BBj and PRO/5 under Unix based operating systems, when the TERM and TERMCAP environment variables have not been setup properly. 


As an example, let’s say that BBx is to be run from a Wyse 60 terminal or terminal emulator using a Wyse 60 emulation, and has been installed in the /usr/bbx directory. 
In the users environment, you want to set the following environment variables:
$ TERM=wy60;export TERM 
$ TERMCAP=/usr/bbx/termcap;export TERMCAP 

To test that you have the environment variables set correctly, the following is a easy way to test: 

$ grep $TERM $TERMCAP 

This tells your operating system to search for whatever the TERM environment variable is in the termcap file pointed to by the TERMCAP environment variable. If it doesn’t return anything, then either the variables are wrong or there is not a termcap entry corresponding to the TERM variable. If it is successful, it will return lines from the termcap file. 

Last Modified: 01/28/2025 Product: PRO/5 Operating System: Unix Error Number: FSLOAD 30

BASIS structures five components of their technology into the BBx Generations.

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