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00771: Which revision of the BASIS ODBC Driver recognizes the new mkeyed filetypes?


Which revision of the BASIS ODBC Driver recognizes the new mkeyed filetypes?


ODBC Rev 2.0x         2 gig files, 4 gig mkeyed files 
ODBC Rev 2.2x         2 gig files, 4 gig mkeyed files, highly recoverable mkeyed files 
ODBC Rev 3.x         2 gig files, highly recoverable mkeyed files, LFS (64bit) files (NT and Unix) 

Here is the corresponding fid (1,1) information for mkeyed file types: 

$06$ =          multi-keyed file 
$26$ =          64 bit MKEYED file (PRO/5 Rev. 3.x only). 
$46$=         recoverable MKEYED file 
$66$ =         recoverable 64 bit MKEYED file (PRO/5 Rev. 3.x only). 
$86$=         4GB MKEYED file (PRO/5 Rev. 2.x only). 
$C6$=         recoverable 4GB MKEYED file (PRO/5 Rev. 2.x only). 

Last Modified: 03/09/2000 Product: BASIS ODBC Driver Operating System: Windows

BASIS structures five components of their technology into the BBx Generations.

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