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00183: Setting the context for a Novell printer on the nspool alias line


Setting the context for a Novell printer on the nspool alias line


The Novell ports BBx PROGRESSION/4 2.4, PRO5, Visual PRO/5 rev 1.03 or later require that the queue name and Novell context be specified on the alias line when connecting to 4.x Novell server. 

Using Novell 4.x and NOTspecifying the context in the ALIAS line causes an Error 17, TCB(10)=601. 

Using Novell 3.1x and rev 2.4 BBx4 or PRO/5 1.03 or later, specifying the context will give an Error 17 Invalid Parameter. 

Type in CX on a workstation to find out the context or use the tool provided by Novell Admin. 

novheck_p2=queue name 
qa=organization unit 

alias P1 nspool “Novell printer” queue=novheck_p2.qa.basis1,server=novheck,direct 

It has also been reported that with the rev 1.05 10655 Novell client, removing the context on the alias line caused an Error 17, TCB(10)= -35324, to disappear. 

Note that for Novell Print Queues, spaces are the same as underscores. So, if the queue is defined as “My Print Queue”, it can be referenced as My_Print_Queue on the alias line 

Last Modified: 02/10/2004 Product: PRO/5 Operating System: Novell Error Number: 17OS Error: 601, 35324

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