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00490: Error 69 when accessing Data Server with the Visual PRO/5 Client


Error 69 when accessing Data Server with the Visual PRO/5 Client (VPRO/5 Revisions less then 2.10)


It’s possible for a Visual PRO/5 client to get an error 69 when attempting to open up a file via the Data Server. This is due to one of two things: 

1) Multiple workstations are using the same serial number for Visual PRO/5. As the Visual PRO/5 client is a single user product, it is a violation of the license to run the same serial number on more than one machine. 

2) The workstations are using DHCP. With DHCP, a machine isn’t assigned a static IP address–it gets one dynamically. This means that it may get different IP addresses every day, or whenever it connects to the network (analogous to a pseudo tty). If this is the case, the Data Server (which checks machines and serial numbers) will think that two machines are using the same serial number. As an example, consider this scenario: 

– The workstation logs in on Monday, and gets IP address 
– It then runs Visual PRO/5 with serial number PRO50000, and talks to the Data Server 
– It then logs out for the day 
– It logs into the network on Tuesday, and gets IP address 
– It then runs the same copy of Visual PRO/5, serial number PRO50000 
– When it tries to open a file via the Data Server, the Data Server remembers that a machine with IP address ran the same serial number yesterday. Because both IP addresses and have used the same serial number, the Data Server assumes that different machines are sharing the same copy of Visual PRO/5, and thus gives a license violation. 

It this is the case, there are two possible solutions: 

1) Upgrade to Visual PRO/5 revision 2.10 x or higher , as it no longer exhibits this behavior. 
2) Statically assign IP addresses to the machines that will be running Visual PRO/5. 

Last Modified: 05/12/2009 Product: PRO/5 Data Server Operating System: WindowsError Number: 69

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