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00972: Helpful background information about FLEXlm license files


Helpful background information about FLEXlm license files


Below is a sample of a permanent license file that is sent by the registration process: 

VENDOR basis 
FEATURE PRO5_DEV basis 2.10 permanent 8 A84856510CB5 HOSTID=ANY ck=102 SN=PRO512345 

The HOSTID is the most critical piece of information in the license file. When you receive the permanent license file the HOSTID is at the end of the server line, in this example where the HOSTID is ID_STRING=2GG3GGG. The HOSTID is unique to the system in which you are registering the product serial number(s). The HOSTID is populated into the registration form when you run the REGISTER for a BASIS LICENSE feature of the BLM software, and must not be modified. 

In Unix, you may also obtain the System’s HOSTID by typing this command in the /basis/blmgr/ directory: 

./lmutil lmhostid 

Or on Windows, in a DOS window change directories to the /blm/ or /basis license manager/ directory and run: 

lmutil lmhostid 

Do NOT modify the hostid in the license file, the hostid and encryption code are tied to each other. Changing either will cause the license to become corrupted. If your license file has an incorrect hostid, please contact the BASIS Sales Department. They must re-set the license counter on the serial number which will enable you register the serial number based off the new hostid. 

The permanent license file by default does not have your hostname inside the license file. You can obtain the hostname of your server simply by typing hostname at the system prompt, this works on all Unix platforms and WINNT/2000/XP. On Win95/98/ME you will have to look at the computer name field in Control Panel Network applet, Identification tab, or run winipcfg.exe from the ‘run’ option from your Start bar. The hostname is entered into the license file automatically upon using the ‘INSTALL a BASIS LICENSE’ feature of the BASIS LICENSE MANAGER software. 

VENDOR basis 
FEATURE PRO5_DEV basis 2.10 permanent 8 A8959D510CB5 HOSTID=ANY ck=102 \ SN=PRO512345 

WARNING: The ‘this_host’ part of the permanent license file is the only area of the file which you can safely edit without corrupting the file. The hostname is the only information that may be modified in the license file using a text editor. 

One reason you may need to edit this file is when hostname has been changed at the OS level. Note this article is for UNIX, but the same concepts apply for Windows. 


The hostname must be configured at the O/S level to resolve to its own IP address. The BLM, PRO5 Data Server and BBj Services require hostname resolution to the IP address of the system(s) running these products. For more information on this topic see the following Knowledge Base: 


Confirm that the hostname that is running the BLM and its IP address are in the Unix server’s local /etc/hosts file as in this example: 

$hostname <enter> 

# Hosts files localhost scoserver scoserver.basis.com 

The name that is returned from the hostname command should be listed first following the IP address. 

Note: The same rules apply to Windows; on Windows operating systems do a “search” from the Start menu for hosts. Edit the file adding the hostname and IP address entry. Confirm after saving the file, that it does not have any file extension added like .txt or .sam. Window’s will not recognize the hosts file if it has a file extension and it is common for WordPad or Notepad to tack on txt extension when saving the file. 

Remember when installing a license file you must stop and start the BLM (BASIS LICENSE MANAGER) so that the new license information can be read. 

Consult these installation guides:

You can also find help with license troubleshooting

You can also search our the Knowledge Base for specific FLEXlm errors such as a 14, 15, 96 or 97 at www.basis.cloud/knowledge-base

Last Modified: 07/01/2010 Product: License Manager Operating System: All platforms

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