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00141: Error 0 under Novell with the following TCB(10) values: -33, 255, 30212, or 30209


Error 0 under Novell with the following TCB(10) values: -33, 255, 30212, or 30209


1) In P4 rev 2.2 of port 1053 (DOS 386 for Novell) multiple users were assigned the same user slot (user 0) by Novell. 

The behavior is that only one person can OPEN a file and everyone else gets an Error 0 when trying to OPEN the file, since the lockbyte for that user is already in use. However, when the first user CLOSEs the file, the other user can then OPEN it. It was caused because a NetWare call failed, and BBx assigned everybody the user slot 0. This can be verified by printing the dec(info(2,4)). More than one user being assigned 0 is indication of this problem. The problem was corrected in rev 2.3 or higher. 

2) This behavior indicates a file locking problem and has been seen during OPENs and READs. This was due to having two different BBx’s that are of the same serial number running on the same server. Example: running a rev 1.4 and rev 2.3 BBx on the same server when both BBx’s have the same serial number. This a license violation, and it will cause the above mentioned problems. 


Upgrade to current product.

Last Modified: 07/27/1998 Product: BBxPROGRESSION/4 Operating System: NovellError Number: OS Error: 33, 255, 30212,30209

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