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00727: Debug Assertion Error after Installing ODBC Driver Rev 2.02


Debug Assertion Error after Installing ODBC Driver Rev 2.02


The following error can occur after installing Revision 2.02 of the BASIS ODBC Driver. 

Microsoft Visual C++ Debug Library 

Debug Assertion Failed! 

Program: ………….. 
File: dbgheap.c 
Line 1017 

Expression: _BLOCK_TYPE_IS_VALID…. 

This error will occur if: 

1) the license file is not located in the correct directory 

2) the license file did not install correctly or is corrupt in any way. 


1) Earlier revisions of the BASIS ODBC Driver did not require the license file to be located in the same directory as the driver file. The file for the BASIS ODBC Driver Revision 2.0x through 2.1x is BBXODBC32.dll and typically is installed in the same directory as other Windows DLL files. The license file, named BASIS.LIC, may reside anywhere on the system prior to the 2.02 revision. 

For example, the bbxodbc32.dll is located in the C:\winnt\system32\ directory and the license file is located in C:\basis\BASIS ODBC Driver\ directory. The 2-step process is: 

a. First locate the file “bbxodbc32.dll”. Once found, check for the file “basis.lic”** in the same directory. If this file already exists in the same directory as the bbxodbc32.dll, go to 2). 
Typical location of BBXODBC32.dll: 
Windows 95/98: \windows\system 
Windows NT: %SystemRoot%\system32 

b. If you have previously installed a license for the BASIS ODBC Driver, but the license 
file isn’t in the same location as the bbxodbc32.dll, you must locate and move the file “basis.lic”** to the correct directory. 

Please Note: Running the “Install a BASIS license” program will not recreate the file in the correct location if the file exists anywhere on the system. Also, see 2) below for additional information. 

2) Revision 2.10 of the BASIS ODBC Driver addresses this problem and must be installed. It is available from our web page (http://www.basis.com) is available for download. Once you have downloaded and unzipped revision 2.10, run the “Install a BASIS license” program. 

If you continue to get the error after installing revision 2.10 of the BASIS ODBC Driver and the “basis.lic” file exists in the same directory as the BBXODBC32.dll, please contact BASIS Technical Support via telephone, email, or fax. 

** The filename “basis.lic” is possible name for this file, but typically when using the ODBC Driver the real license filename that is created is named using CountFeatureSN.lic, so you would search for “*.lic” and move the applicable file.

Last Modified: 04/28/1999 Product: BASIS ODBC Driver Operating System: Windows

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