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00493: How to transfer program and data files from Unix to DOS (and vice versa)


How to transfer program and data files from Unix to DOS (and vice versa)


If a network connection isn’t available, and you have compatible media (tape drive, disk drive), then you can transfer the files by copying them onto the media. Compatible media includes both systems being able to read the format, i.e. Unix writing to a dos format or dos being able to read a tar file. 

The programs & data will run the same way with the exception of the changes that will need to be made to the config.bbx. These changes are minor and when you install the DOS BBx, a config.bbx file is created. 

If a network connection is available, then ftp’ing the files is the easiest way. Note that BBx program and data files should be copied in binary mode (as opposed to ASCII or text mode). 

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