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How to Find Where the BLM and Its License Files are Located on UNIX and Windows Systems

How do I find the location of the BASIS License Manager (BLM) on my system? The license file(s) served by the BLM will also be found in this directory.

UNIX and Mac

On UNIX or Mac systems, there are two processes associated with the BLM:  basis and basis_lmgrd.  Both can be found with the following command:  ps -ef |grep lmgrd


[root@bender log]# ps -ef |grep lmgrd

root 11327 1 0 12:41 ? 00:00:00 ./basis_lmgrd -c /usr/local/bbj/blm

root 11329 11327 0 12:41 ? 00:00:00 basis -T bender.basis.com 11.16 7 -c :/usr/local/bbj/blm: -lmgrd_port 6978 -srv XuJzKcwj3H5h6dSoiIAFdgRI54uzeDMmMlffWNaaPgQ52p97Ta1IvrAIHpKcVJ5 –lmgrd_start 606613c7 -vdrestart 0

In this example, the BLM is installed to /usr/local/bbj/blm.  The license file(s) served by the BLM will also be found in this directory.


On Windows, the BLM runs as a Windows service.  Find the location of the BLM by launching the Windows Services module (services.msc):

  1.  Press the ⊞ Win+R keys simultaneously
  2.  Type services.msc
  3.  Press OK or hit ↵ Enter
  4.  Right click BASIS License Manager and select Properties from the menu
Above:  Right-click BASIS License Manager and select Properties
Above:  The Path to executable field shows the location of the BLM to be C:\blm19\
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