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KB – Eclipse Search Issue

Problem Statement

Beginning in September 2024, users may encounter an error when attempting to use Eclipse 2024-03’s built-in search facility. This error is triggered by a third-party plug-in’s search provider which incorrectly attempts to access incompatible source code released in Eclipse 2024-09.


The following details describe the conditions under which this issue will or will not occur:

  • This problem can occur in Windows, MacOS, or Linux.
  • The version of Java, BBj, or BDT being used does not affect this issue.
  • It occurs in instances of Eclipse 2024-03 for Java Developers. 
  • It can occur with Eclipse 2024-03 packages besides the Java Developers package.
  • It may be present with Eclipse 2024-06, although this configuration was not investigated. It is not present when using Eclipse 2024-09 (the newest version available as of October 2024).
  • This problem only occurs when searching for specific text using either the File Search or BDT Search options.

Steps to Reproduce

This issue occurs when executing the following steps:

  1. Open either the Java or BDT perspective and any valid workspace. You do not need to have any editors open, although you can.
  2. Hit the Ctrl + H key combination to launch Eclipse’s built-in search:
  1. In the resulting Search window, select either the File Search or BDT Search tabs.
  2. Enter an arbitrary string in the Containing text: field and click the [Search] button.
  3. Eclipse displays a pop-up window titled Multiple problems have occurred:


The search fails and no results are displayed. Examining a corresponding entry in Eclipse’s error log shows the following Event Details:

Supporting Information

Information is available online describing this issue. For more information, see:


The recommended solution for BDT users is to move to Eclipse 2024-09, starting with a new Eclipse installation (do not attempt to upgrade your existing Eclipse 2024-03 installation).


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