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Manual Barista BUS Download/Update Process

If you can’t use Barista’s Check for Updates process to download a BUS jar, you can use the process below to download the file and install the update manually.

  1. Manually download the update jar from “http://bus.poweredbybbj.com/01007514_ADB_VV.VV_U.jar”  and replace the version (VV.VV) and the update level (U) as needed.


For Barista v18.21 and update 12, use the following update jar:https://bus.poweredbybbj.com/01007514_ADB_18.21_12.jar

  1. Quit any running Barista processes using this instance.
  2. Other than the “ADB_update.properties” and the “MANIFEST.MF”, the rest of the files in the jar (aka zip) begin with “barista/”, so place the jar file in the parent directory of your Barista instance to be updated.

  1. Extract the files using an unzip tool, keeping the directory structure, or by using “jar xf 01007514_ADB_21.10_7.jar”.
  2. Using the Enterprise Manager update the Installation Maintenance Record by updating table ADM_BUS_INST.  The record requires that we specify the update level and download and install date and time.


update adm_bus_inst set downloaded_date='20220923', installed_date='20220923'

update adm_bus_inst set downloaded_time='100000', installed_time='100000'

update adm_bus_inst set installed_level='7'

*Download and installed dates should be adjusted using YYYYMMDD format.

  1. Restart Barista and review your Installation Maintenance Record (Check for updates, Maintain).

Last Patch per version:

Version  JAR file location Date
18.21 https://bus.poweredbybbj.com/01007514_ADB_18.21_12.jar 2021-01-14
20.32 https://bus.poweredbybbj.com/01007514_ADB_20.32_12.jar 2022-07-12
21.00 https://bus.poweredbybbj.com/01007514_ADB_21.00_10.jar 2022-07-08
21.01 https://bus.poweredbybbj.com/01007514_ADB_21.01_8.jar 2022-07-11
21.02 https://bus.poweredbybbj.com/01007514_ADB_21.02_7.jar 2022-07-11
21.03 https://bus.poweredbybbj.com/01007514_ADB_21.03_7.jar 2022-07-11
21.10 https://bus.poweredbybbj.com/01007514_ADB_21.10_7.jar 2022-07-11
21.11 https://bus.poweredbybbj.com/01007514_ADB_21.11_2.jar 2022-07-11
21.12 https://bus.poweredbybbj.com/01007514_ADB_21.12_2.jar 2022-07-11
21.13 https://bus.poweredbybbj.com/01007514_ADB_21.13_2.jar 2022-07-11
21.14 https://bus.poweredbybbj.com/01007514_ADB_21.14_2.jar 2022-07-12
21.15 https://bus.poweredbybbj.com/01007514_ADB_21.15_2.jar 2022-09-20
22.00 https://bus.poweredbybbj.com/01007514_ADB_22.00_2.jar 2022-07-12
22.01 https://bus.poweredbybbj.com/01007514_ADB_22.01_1.jar 2022-07-12
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