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00149: Error 60, TCB(10)=30209, 35327, 255, OPENing an nspool printer


Error 60, TCB(10)=30209, 35327, 255, OPENing an nspool printer


An error=60 on the OPEN of an nspool printer can occur if a capture already exists for the local printer port. This error occurs when using the NETX shell on a DOS workstation. 

Here is a sample alias line for nspooled printers: 

alias P0 nspool “HP Laser Jet” 

Using this example, the error would occur if the Lpt1 port was already captured. 


Rev 2.4 and PRO/5 1.01+ introduced new mode on alias line that allows direct access to the Novell printers without the local capture. Note: This new feature relies on older NETX calls, not all Novell drivers support this new ability and may not work. Alias example using the direct mode: 

alias P0 nspool “HP Laser Jet” 

There are two workarounds on earlier revs or for drivers that do not support the direct mode: 

1) Use the VLM DOS requester rather than the NETX shell. 
2) Disable the capture on the lpt port from DOS before running BBx. Enter the following command at the DOS prompt or in a batch file: 

capture /local=1 /endcapture 

This will set the lpt1 device to local mode. To enable the capture after using BBx, simply run BBx from a batch file similar to: 

capture /local=1 /endcapture 
capture /local=1 /queue=Print_Queue 

Last Modified: 01/29/1998 Product: PRO/5 Operating System: Novell Error Number: 60OS Error: 30209, 35327, 255

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