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00189: How to determine what the TCB(10) values mean under the Unix operating system


How to determine what the TCB(10) values mean under the Unix operating system


A negative TCB(10) value indicates that the operating system issued an error and wouldn’t allow BBx to complete the desired operation. In order to interpret the TCB(10) value, the /usr/include/sys/errno.h file must be queried. This file contains a list of the possible error numbers and a brief explanation for each one. In order to quickly find the particular error in the file, we recommend using the grep command. Example: 

$ grep 46 /usr/include/sys/errno.h 

With Linux distributions use the “errno” command to obtain the errno codes and descriptions.  The “errno” command is part of the moreutils package.  To install the moreutils package try the following:

sudo apt-get install moreutils

Once installed the errno command can be used, here are a few examples:

For example:

$ errno 100

To get a list of all codes and descriptions use –list

$ errno –list


Last Modified: 07/27/1998 Product: PRO/5 Operating System: Unix

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