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00204: Troubleshooting activation problems


Troubleshooting activation problems


Problems activating BBx or PRO/5 (usually an I/O error) can be the result of one or more of the following: 

1. There are still users logged in to BBx; therefore a new exe cannot be written. 
2. There is not enough disk space to write the new exe file out. 
3. Permissions are not set correctly to create a new executable. 
4. They installed an incorrect port or SQL enabled version does not match (Invalid activation key error message only)


1. Verify this by manually activating and directing output to a different file: 
        Under Unix: 
         ./act -i ./pro5u -o pro5new -s SERIALNUMBER -k activationkey 
        Under DOS/Windows/Novell: 
         act -i pro5u.exe -o pro5new.exe -s SERIALNUMBER -k activationkey 

If this succeeds, that indicates that there are active BBx processes on the system. Under Unix, these can be listed via the ‘ps’ command. Please note that, under Unix, it is not enough to merely do a ‘who’ to check to see if all of the users are off the system–BBx processes can remain in the background that not attached to any specific user. When these processes have been terminated, the pro5new file may be renamed to pro5. 

2. Verify this by copying the pro5u file to another file: 
        Under Unix:          
                 cp pro5u pro5tst 
        Under DOS/Windows/Novell: 
                 copy pro5u.exe pro5tst.exe 

3. Either one of the tests above will verify this also. Under DOS/Novell, the executable file is set to READ ONLY during the installation program. Therefore, before activating and overwriting the executable, it must first be set to READ WRITE. 
        Under DOS: 
                 attrib -r pro5.exe 
        Under Novell: 
                 flag pro5.exe +rw 

4. Verify that they installed the correct port of their product. You can verify this by doing the following under Unix: 
strings pro5u |grep Port 

This should return the proper port number for their Activation key and serial number. If it returns a 2xxxxx port and their Serial number indicates a 1xxxxx port, this indicates that they are attempting to activate an SQL enabled port with a non sql enabled key. They will need to reinstall the non-sql enabled port.

Last Modified: 02/23/2004 Product: PRO/5 Operating System: All platforms Unix OS Error: IO Error

BASIS structures five components of their technology into the BBx Generations.

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