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00422: Error 0, TCB(10)=-36 or -32, when OPENing a file under Windows for Workgroups


Error 0, TCB(10)=-36 or -32, when OPENing a file under Windows for Workgroups


It’s possible to receive an Error 0 with a TCB(10)=-36 or -32 when OPENing a file using Visual PRO/5 on a Windows for Workgroups machine. If the user exits VP/5 and immediately re-executes VP/5, the error goes away. 


The error indicates that that the share buffer has been exceeded at the operating system level. If the machine is configured to use SHARE, then its parameters should be increased. 

After increasing SHARE’s parameters in the config.sys or autoexec.bat file, the machine must be rebooted for the changes to take effect. 

The defaults are: 

C:\SHARE /F:2048 /L:20 

increase to: 

C:\SHARE /l:250 /f:4096 

Under Windows 3.1x, use VSHARE in the system.ini instead of SHARE. Problems will occur if the machine is configured with both SHARE and VSHARE. To use VSHARE, ensure that the following line is in the [386Enh] section of the system.ini file: 


VSHARE should dynamically allocate the space for files and locks, so you should never run into this error unless you are running DOS’s SHARE simultaneously. 

If the machine is using VSHARE and the problem still occurs, then there are two known solutions: 

1) The available system memory must be increased. It’s *likely* that increasing the amount of free conventional memory will resolve the problem. The machine *may* also need to have the amount of physical RAM increased. For more information regarding conventional memory, please see Knowledge Base article #512. 

2) This problem has also been solved in the past by modifying the Virtual Ram settings to point from a permanent swap file, to a temporary one, and then back to a permanent. It seems as though repeated crashes can decrease the integrity and availability of the swap file, and this action re-initializes the swap file. 

Last Modified: 12/30/1997 Product: Visual PRO/5 Operating System: Windows Error Number: OS Error: 36, 32

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