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00500: Error message with CTL3D32.DLL when installing the ODBC Driver on Windows NT 4


Error message with CTL3D32.DLL when installing the ODBC Driver on Windows NT 4


This error will occur when installing ODBC 1.1 on Windows NT 4. The reason is that the version of Install Shield that it uses queries the operating system level, and because it was released before Windows NT, it cannot understand the return value and assumes that the install is taking place on a Windows 3.x machine.


There are two workarounds to the problem. The first is to mark the file as read only before attempting the install. If the install has already taken place, the resolution is to copy the correct version of the file over the incorrect version. Contact BASIS Technical support for more information.

Last Modified: 12/23/1997 Product: BASIS ODBC Driver Operating System: Windows NT

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