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00504: ODBC fserr=1, fserrs=-13, Cannot access dictionary files.


ODBC fserr=1, fserrs=-13, Cannot access dictionary files.


I just installed the 1.01 32-bit ODBC Driver and I’m trying to access a datasource that I have successfully manipulated via the 16-bit ODBC Driver. However, when I attempt to connect to the datasource via the 32-bit ODBC Driver, I receive an “fserr=1, fserrs=-13 Cannot access dictionary files.” Why does this happen? 


The 16-bit and 32-bit ODBC Drivers have a different format for the Shadow Data Dictionary files. Therefore, if the datasource was last accessed via the 16-bit ODBC Driver, the 32-bit ODBC Driver will not be able to read the Data Dictionary due to the incompatible format of the Shadow Data Dictionary files. To resolve this, delete the four shadow dictionary files (*.dat) and let the 32-bit driver rebuild them. Remember that the ‘Fast Connect’ and ‘No Shadow Data Dictionary Consistency Check’ options in the advanced datasource configuration should be turned off (unchecked). Once the 32-bit Driver builds the Shadow Data Dictionary files, these options may be turned on again, and both the 16-bit and 32-bit ODBC Drivers will be able to use the new Shadow Data Dictionary files.

Last Modified: 01/28/1998 Product: BASIS ODBC Driver Operating System: WindowsError Number: OS Error: 13

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