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00536: ‘Semaphore Initialization Failure’ when running a PRO/5 1.05 on Unix


‘Semaphore Initialization Failure’ when running a PRO/5 1.05 on Unix


When attempting to activate (during the install) or invoke a PRO/5 1.05 on Unix, the following error may result: 

semaphore initialization failure 
cannot initialize host system data 
fs load err=70 (70) 
PRO/5: unable to initialize file system


The error indicates that a previous version of PRO/5 (either 1.0 or 1.01) is already in use on the system. To solve the problem, ensure that all users are out of the old PRO/5 before attempting to invoke the new copy. The error is a result of both the old and the new versions of PRO/5 attempting to use the same shared memory and semaphore vectors. 

To see how many pro5’s are on the system, execute something like a: 

find / -name pro5 

as root from Unix. It should return all of the PRO/5’s that are installed. 

The other reason for the error is that the machine doesn’t have enough semaphores available. If this is the case, then PRO5 won’t be able to run as it requires shared memory and semaphores in order to do licensing. To remedy this, the number of semaphores has to be increased – which requires configuring the kernel and rebooting. 

Last Modified: 11/17/1998 Product: PRO/5 Operating System: Unix Error Number:FSLOAD 70

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