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00577: Printing a graphic using all versions of PRO/5


Printing a graphic using all versions of PRO/5


This allows the BBx user to print any sort of picture (i.e. gif. jpg, bitmap) directly from PRO/5. It is fully portable. However, it does rely on third party software such as Microsoft Paint, PhotoShop, etc. to format the image in PCL code. 


1) Open the picture in a graphics package. 
2) Print the picture, but to a file. 
3) Copy the file to the printer via: 

0010 OPEN (1)”lpt1″ 
0020 OPEN (2,ISZ=-1)”c:\temp\my_gif” 
0030 READ RECORD(2,SIZ=-1024,END=0060)A$ 
0050 GOTO 0030 
0060 END 

Note: step two ensures that the graphic is wrapped with the appropriate PCL codes to make it a self-contained, printable object. 

Alternative solution: 
1) Open the picture in a graphics package. 
2) Print the picture, but to a file. 
Print the picture using the SCALL function in PRO/5. This solution, however, is less desirable than that above as it is not portable. 

Last Modified: 12/23/1997 Product: PRO/5 Operating System: All platforms

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