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00720: Error 2140: An internal Windows NT error occured when starting the PRO/5 NT Data Server as a service


Error 2140: An internal Windows NT error occured when starting the PRO/5 NT Data Server as a service


When attempting to start the PRO/5 Data Server service, the following error may occur: 

Could not start the Pro5 Data Server service 
Error 2140: An internal Windows NT error occured 


This error can occur for a few reasons: 

1) This error may occur when attempting to start the data server and specifying a port that is already in use by another service. To remedy the error, change the port specified in Conrol Panel under the Pro5 server configuration. 

2) This error may occur when attempting to start the data server when logged in as a user without proper permissions. To remedy the error, log in as the administrator (or another account with sufficient privileges) and then start the Data Server. 

3) If there is anything wrong with the config.bbx file for the PRO/5 Data Server. To remedy the error, check the config.bbx file for the Data Server and recreate it if needed. Minimum requirements for this config file are: 
setopts byte 4, bit $20$ 
all invalid drives DSKSYN’d 
the FCBS, CIBS, and STBLEN parameters can be used (and probably should be) but are not required. 

Last Modified: 06/08/1999 Product: PRO/5 Data Server Operating System: Windows NTOS Error: 2140

BASIS structures five components of their technology into the BBx Generations.

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