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01071: IDE is not showing BBx, PRO/5 or BBj file icons


IDE is not showing BBx, PRO/5 or BBj file icons


Running the IDE does not show the icons for file types associated with BASIS products.


Occasionally this will happen when prior installations of NetBeans exist or existed on the system. 

Under Windows operating systems: 
Check the “-userdir” parameter on the shortcut for the BBj IDE: 

-userdir “C:\Program Files\Basis\ide\defaultuser” 

Correct the -userdir parameter to reflect the correct path for the default user directory created by the BASIS installation of BBj and the IDE. 

Under UNIX operating systems: 
1) Go to the <BBj_Install_Dir>/ide/bin directory. 
2) Open the ide.cfg file in a text editor. 
3) Insert a flag like the following on the last line of the file: 
-userdir <full path to basis install dir>/ide/defaultuser 
4) Save and close the ide.cfg file. 

For example, my -userdir path is /home/user/ide/defaultuser. 
This path points to the user directory containing the BBj plugin modules. When the NetBeans IDE is started, the ide.cfg file is read and the value for -userdir is set to the right user directory. The IDE will then automatically load our plugin modules. 

Last Modified: 12/31/2004 Product: BBj Operating System: ALL

BASIS structures five components of their technology into the BBx Generations.

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