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01106: MS Access Error message: The decimal field’s precision is too small to accept the numeric you attempted to add.


MS Access Error message: The decimal field’s precision is too small to accept the numeric you attempted to add.


In MS Access when trying to import or link a table from a BBj database that contains variable length type “N” numeric columns, you receive the error message: 

The decimal field’s precision is too small to accept the numeric you attempted to add. 


The database contains a value that exceeds the size or maximum length specifications for the column. MS Access acquires its size information from the database which stores the information in the data dictionary. BBj / PRO/5 applications allow values to exceed the size specified in the length or maximum length settings for the column if the field is variable length. MS Access has no way to accommodate this since this is not common to databases other than BBj / PRO/5. To resolve the problem, increase the size or maximum length specification in the dictionary to a number large enough to accommodate the largest value in the database.

Last Modified: 12/29/2005 Product: BASIS BBj ODBC Driver Operating System: Windows

BASIS structures five components of their technology into the BBx Generations.

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