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01192: Configuring the Client side JVM memory


Configuring the Client side JVM memory


Some functionality in BBj like printing relies on the client JVM and may require additional memory. Indications would be ” Out of Client Memory” error messages in the server side logs for BBj. Increase the client side memory one of the following methods. 

Running thin client: 

Locate the client side bbj.properties file on the client machine typically located in <bbj_install_dir>\cfg directory. Increase the bbjservices -Xmx setting similar to increasing memory on the server side bbj.properties. 

         basis.java.args.BBjServices=-Xmx128m -Xms128m -XX\:NewRatio\=4 -XX\:MaxPermSize\=96m 

Running WEB start: 

Increase the initial heap setting in the jnlp. 

        <j2se version=”1.5+” initial-heap-size=”96m” max-heap-size=”96m” file.encoding=”iso-8859-15″/> 

Last Modified: 09/14/2010 Product: BBj Operating System: All platforms

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