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01218: After upgrading to VPRO/5 10.00 or higher, GUIBuilder-generated applications fail with an error


After upgrading to VPRO/5 10.00 or higher, GUIBuilder-generated applications fail with an error


After upgrading to VPRO/5 10.00 or higher, GUIBuilder-generated applications fail with the following error: 

Requires at least Visual PRO/5 Rev. 2.0. 
This program will now terminate. 

Older versions of GUIBuilder parsed the REV string and only expected a four-character result. As of VPRO/5 revision 10.00, the REV string returns a five-character result which breaks the parsing algorithm.


Rebuild the application with a current version of GUIBuilder, which removes the parsing algorithm altogether.

Last Modified: 07/19/2010 Product: Visual PRO/5 Operating System: N/A Windows

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