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01234: Why Does My CUI Application Display Slower in a Thin Client Session than in a Terrmconsole Session?


Why Does My CUI Application Display Slower in a Thin Client Session than in a Terrmconsole Session?


Fundamental differences in sysconsole versus termconsole sessions make the sysconsole more susecptible to display issues, where latency is a problem.


Although it displays characters, the BBj sysconsole is written in Java Swing and is 100% GUI. This is how we can make the window resizable, display dialog boxes, display the GUI editor, etc. The interaction between the sysconsole and interpreter is far more complex than a simple termconsole session. The sysconsole receives instructions of what to display from the interpreter and paints the characters. This can impacted by latency. The Termconsole is a text-based applications; the burden of displaying the characters is handled by the shell and terminal emulator and is less susceptible to latency.

Last Modified: 01/27/2012 Product: BBj Operating System: N/A

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