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00944: Installing TAOS on Red Hat Linux causing error


Installing TAOS on Red Hat Linux causing error


An error message that says: 
WARNING! Branding Error 127 has occurred 

when installing Taos 1.32 on Red Hat Linux usually means that the libraries installed with the os aren’t compatible and the customer needs to get the older libraries (rpms) in order for Taos to install and run correctly. 

Another way to see if this is what is needed is by doing a manual brand of the tc executable in the following way. In the /usr/taospm/ directory, there should be a tcs executable. (Ensure that it has execute permissions all the way across (rwx–x–x) first). Then from the os prompt type, 
        ./tcs -SetSn <TaosSerialNumber> 
where <TaosSerialNumber> is the 6-digit Taos serial number. 

This manual branding will return a message like “no such file or directory” if the older libraries are what is needed. **


The required libraries are listed below with an ftp address that is current and works as of 23 July 2001. Since all ftp or web page addresses are subject to change by the host of the site, please contact them if this address is incorrect. 

Add the following rpm’s from the RedHat 6.2 distribution to get TAOS to run. 

ld.so-1.9.5-13.i386.rpm                  # contains the “ldconfig” and the dynamic loader 
                                            # “ld-linux.so.1” for Linux libc 5. 
libc-5.3.12-31.i386.rpm                  # contains the libraries required to run old 
                                            # applications that require libc5 on your glibc 
                                            # (libc verion 6) based system. 

These RPM’s can be downloaded from RedHat’s ftp-site at: 

BTW, you need to register (it’s free) on they’re web-site to get a username and password first.

Last Modified: 01/23/2007 Product: TAOS: The Developers Workbench Operating System:Linux Error Number: 127

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