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00443: How to brand the Taos Compiler executable by hand


How to brand the Taos Compiler executable by hand


If the TINSTALL can’t brand “tc”, there won’t be a “tc” executable. To brand it by hand from the operating system prompt: 

tcs -SetSn <serial number> 

The TINSTALL has been known to fail when run under Windows 95. If this is the case, it will ask where the Taos root director is located, then immediately quit. It will not serialize Taos, create/brand the compiler, or create the config.tpm file. 

If the CONFIG.BBX does not have all drives (but the installation drive) dsksyn’d, TINSTALL will fail with no error message. 

Branding manually may not create the file TAOS.REV. You may have to run the TINSTALL program for this file to be created. Also note that if this file exists, it will use the serial number in this file when running TINSTALL and never ask for a new serial number. 

Last Modified: 02/23/2004 Product: TAOS: The Developers Workbench Operating System:All platforms

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